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Fri Apr 12, 2024

Isoplam presents Sunset Glow, the new color palette inspired by the sunset

Atmosphere, emotions and shades of twilight inspire the new Sunset Glow color collection by Isoplam to compose new colors and to dictate a new perception of space, according to functional choices that are transformed into sensorial and perceptive choices.

In interior design, color is considered a real "material" for design; manages to describe habits and lifestyles by translating into significant colours, to define the environments and contribute to the living quality of the spaces.

In this sense, tailor-made design, a strong point of the Treviso company Isoplam, also acts as a counterpoint for the launch of a new palette, with creative and unexpected color solutions: Sunset Glow.

The new color collection is made up of a mix of nuances studied by the company's internal laboratory, with the aim of integrating the beauty and charm of nature into the built environment.

The shades and glows that the sky takes on during sunset were the inspiration for the colours, which are now more saturated, as in the case of greens and blues, now brighter and brighter for yellow and grey, now softer and warmer for pink and orange.

Sunset Glow, however, captures not only the colors of this particular moment but also the enveloping atmosphere, to the point of offering itself to architecture as a tool to enhance the harmonies and contrasts of construction details, emphasize the furnishing accessories, infuse depth into the spaces, public or private.

“The spirit of research and experimentation animates the work within the company and in our laboratory” comments Francesca Martignago, Isoplam commercial director. “Each job – he continues – takes place in direct relationship with the clients, accompanied by the designers, in order to understand and interpret their practical needs, but also personal aspirations. With the new Sunset Glow Palette we wanted to respond to different requests, choosing natural colors in harmony with biorhythms, aesthetic, practical and compositional needs and requirements. New colours, like the entire range of coverings on which they can be applied.”

Sunset Glow, in fact, is available for Microverlay microcement and each of its variations: Micro Compact, Micro Flat, Micro Sale e Pepe, Micro Velvet, characterized by different surface textures, capable of evolving over time without ever losing their extraordinary aesthetic performance. These variants are designed to respond to the specific needs and peculiar characteristics of the space in which one intervenes, to create completely new projects or renovate existing surfaces, always obtaining a result of the highest level, guaranteed and long-lasting.

The new shades of the Sunset Glow palette combined with the continuous surface, without joints or joints, and the extreme possibility of tactile customization of these creative cements, create total, immersive environments with great scenographic impact.
micro velvet 02-min
micro flat 01-min
micro flat 02-min
micro sale e pepe 01-min
micro compact 01-min
micro compact 02-min
micro velvet 01-min
micro sale e pepe 02-min
micro velvet 03-min
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